in the


Because what the world needs is one more, lightweight neural network library in C.



  1. Make sure you have the GSL installed
  2. Download the library
  3. Edit the Makefile, changing path names, compilers and options to match your system
  4. Type "make" then "install"
  5. To test the system, go to the 'test' directory and use the makefile provided


There are two main programs: 'dib_train' for training a neural network, and 'dib_predict' for making predictions from a pre-trained neural network. To get the command syntax and a list of options, type the command name with the '-H' option. Each data file comprises a simple, binary dump of the data in row-major order with a four-byte header giving the number of columns. There are several file conversion routines supplied with the library, but for a more complete set of routines, please try the 'libmsci' libary on Github.

Using the library to perform statistical classification is a bit more complicated than simply training the NN with the training routine, then making predictions with the prediction routine. Some pre- and post-processing are necessary. Assume the classification data is in a simple, binary dump of four-byte integers, 'classes.dat', and that there are eight (8) classes. First we need to decide on a multiclass coding then convert the integer data to floating point. To output a coding matrix chosen from five different ones, use the 'dib_print_ecc' command:
dib_print_ecc -Q 2 8 > coding_matrix.txt
(If five are not enough to choose from, I would once again suggest heading to the 'libmsci' project.) Next, we use the result to code the multiclass classes into binary classes:
cls2vec -M coding_matrix.txt classes.dat classes.vec
Now, assuming we have some matching coordinate data, call it, 'coord.vec', we can train the model:
dib_train -C 1 -m gsl:trs_lm -n ff_gen:1hidden coord.vec classes.vec model.txt
If we have some unrelated coordinate data, call it 'test.vec', we can start making predictions:
dib_predict test.vec model.txt output.vec
Before we can use this, we need to reverse the coding:
multiclass_solver output.vec coding_matrix.txt prob.vec
But we still aren't done. The result, contained in 'prob.vec' contains only probabilities, not classes. To convert these probabilities to classes:
dib_classify prob.vec result
where 'result.cls' contains the winning classes while 'result.con' contains the winning probabilities normalized to lie between 0 to 1.

Designing your own neural networks

While there are few tools specifically for designing custom topologies (for the beginnings of such an endeavour, see the header file, 'dib_ff_tools.h') the implementation of the neural networks is fully general and can handle any topology desired. The networks are stored in simple ASCII files and 'dib_train' can take these files as input using the '-a' option.

There are two implementations: node-by-node, (see 'dib_ff.h') and term-by-term (see 'dib_ff_sl.h'). The node-by-node implementation can handle any type of feed-forward NN including convolutional neural networks. The files have the following format:

The term-by-term implementation can handle any type of feed-forward NN except convolutional as there is a one-to-one correspondence between each term and each coefficient. It is, however, slightly more efficient. Files have the following format: